We deliver executional excellence in putting ideas into action. And we respect three ancient principles, the triad of masterwork architecture. We build ideas that are:
- Solid: Based in the strong foundation of insightful strategy.
- Beautiful: An execution with compelling storytelling.
- Useful: Lead to success—results that deliver for clients.
Here’s how we put them to work with Egg Farmers of Canada.
The strategy (solid)
Egg Farmers of Canada was seeking new ways of directly telling Canadians their story: the value of made-in-Canada eggs produced by local family farms.
The execution (beauty)
Our creative team worked with Egg Farmers of Canada to transform EggFarmers.ca into a thought leadership platform for Canadian eggs. We have written, designed, and published dozens of articles while creating videos, infographics, original photography, social ads, GIFs, and much more—all amplified by micro-targeted digital advertising.
The success (useful)
To date we have:
Reached more than 3.5 million Canadians
With more than 38 million digital impressions